The color and main composition of garnet

Garnet Color

  • Uvarovite: dark green.
  • Grossular: colorless, white, gray, yellow, green, green (various shades: pale green apple, medium green apple, dark green), brown, pink, reddish, black.
  • Andradite: Yellow-green, green, brown-green, yellow-orange, brown, black, and black grayish. The color is associated with Ti and Mn’s content. The color is light if there is little of either element, and it may look grossly.
  • Pyrope: Purple red, pink-red, orange-red, raspberry, dark red. Note: Colorless pure pyrope; red colors are derived from Fe + Cr.
  • Almandine: red, brownish red, brownish-black, violet red.
  • Spessartine: red, reddish-orange, orange, yellow-brown, reddish-brown, blackish brown.
  • Malaia: various shades of orange, red-orange, peach, and pink.
  • Rhodolite: usually has a distinctive purplish color.

How many Garnets types?

There are two different groups and six different types. The two groups are Garnets of Calcium and Garnets of Magnesium.

  1. Almandine
  2. Pyrope
  3. Spessartite
  4. Grossular
  5. Andradite
  6. Uvarovite
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